Outside exploring - Childhood stories

Outside exploring - Childhood stories

While taking some photos of Maddie we headed up to the Oldina Pine Plantation.  I grew up not far from here and have many fond memories of riding horses and pushbikes in this area.. While on the drive up I was reminiscing and telling Maddie how in the particular area we were taking photos we spent many summer days playing in the creek trying to build a dam out of river stones to block the creek,  we were fortunately unsuccessful in this venture but enjoyed many hours of fun in the process of trying.
I have two other significant memories that triggered while snapping some photos, one is of my sister riding her horse through the creek and the horse loosing its footing and falling to the ground and Rebecca falling under the horse and disappearing into the water.  Amazingly the horse was astutely aware of where Rebecca was and negotiated its body and feet to ensure it did its best not to put its full weight on her, both of them emerged unscathed.  I can remember thinking how evident the strong bond between them was.
The other memory is quite a vivid one, though for most people would be a fleeting moment of no significance.  I have a slight (massive) fear of snakes... Quite irrational but that does not stop the heart from beating flat out while in the moment   This day I was on my bike and I can remember seeing a slight movement on the side of the road a few meters infront of me, I hastily put my brakes on and this rather large snake popped its head out of the grassy verge and just looked at me.  It appeard to say with its body language "you are of no signifance ittle person", as i said irrational fear with big imagination.  It then proceeded to slither accross the road infront of me paying no notice of me what so ever.  As it continued to slither time stood still, it seamed to take forever, eventually the snake took up the whole width of the road and then dissappeared into the undergrowth.  I can say with quite a bit of confidence... the ride home was probably my fastest time!!  Nothing like a bit of motivation.
Anyway the reason I am sharing these stories is we found a little hand made shelter accross the creek, it was not visable at all on the other side of the creek and I kind of imagined a group of kids gathering bracken and ferns and spending hours having fun concentrating on the task.. It made me smile.  The thought that others were continuing to use their imagination and enjoy this place that had a large part of my childhood was heart warming..
Maddie wears Kiik luxe jumper $77 and Lazybones Infinity scarf
Navy Scarf
           Navy scarf
Would love to hear any stories you have of the Oldina Pineplantation... Press on the comment section below to leave comments... Thanks Rachille xx
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