Winter and Lazybones
We are really excited.. we just received our first delivery of the Australian brand Lazybones. Lazybones has a vintage feel to their designs and can be accessorised to look quite retro or paired back to create a casual look with a retro twist.
Because we had new clothing in store I grabbed my camera and a friend of ours (who normally does our baby sitting, we believe in multi skilling!!) and headed outside to grab a few pictures.

We started off with shoes... whats not to love about shoes.. Miz Mooz Greer Boots $196.95
Available online

Maddie is Dressed in the Mesop Frontier Anorak $269, Mesop Shore Thing Sweater $179 and Lazy Bones Infinity scarf $55

Lazybones Alice Dress in Nancy $145 Verity Cardigan in Citrus $79
This next shot shows the same dress with the Verity Cardigan in silver and the thick stripe scarf $25.95
It is a softer look, which is a little more conservative for those who dont like or have the courage to wear the brighter colours.
As you can see we had fun playing dress ups. We have more images to come over the next couple of days... Hope you enjoy the eye candy Rachille xx